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Best Apps for planning your next Party!!

So your child birthday is coming up and all the to-dos and who to invite and theme to have all go rushing to your head in a spiraling fashion. I am here to share some of the best free apps I have found that will help you plan your party to a T! Why you ask is apps on my phone going to help me plan my child’s party? Well what is the one thing you probably have the handiest all the time? Your phone of course today we use our phones for everything. So I went and did some digging and found some great apps to share with you and all of them are free! First is Invitd, invitations sent out and getting rsvp’s back can be a sure hassle! With this app its perfect all you need is a phone number able to receive picture mail and or an email address and you got personal invitations sent out right there! It gets better once the evite is sent out it tells you who has opened it and if they have responded with a yes they are attending or a no they can’t make it. So your guest list and expected number of guest attending is right there with one tap of your finger tip. Pictures of it looks are attached! The next one is the go to for everything else party planning this app has a common name Party Planner; this is where your entire to-do list are kept, your expenses and budget broken down into specific categories. What’s great about booking with Flips Birthday Party Hall you can cut down on expenses with Us because you get the party hall the entertainment and some decorations all included in the package now that we offer the newly added balloon décor. These add that wow factor to your party that no one else offers. Stay tuned as my next post will be on balloon décor and why it is important at your next party.

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(915) 590-9056 (Rojas)

(915) 521-8345 (Yarbrough)

  • Party Hall in El Paso, TX
  • Party Hall in El Paso, TX
  • Party Hall in El Paso, TX
  • Party Hall in El Paso, TX

Now booking parties on Saturdays and Sundays! Call to reserve us for your event today! Flips Birthday Party Hall, where fun is just the beginning.

12115 Rojas Dr #800
El Paso, TX, 79936 


3333 Yarbrough #X
El Paso, TX, 79925
Hours of Operation
Monday              12PM-8:30PM
Tuesday              9AM-8:30PM
Wednesday         12PM-8:30PM
Thursday            9AM-8:30PM
Friday                12PM-9:30PM
Saturday      9AM-2PM - Parties Only
Sunday               Parties Only
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