Spring Flower Birthday

Spring is a season where the environment around you is in bloom! You begin to notice the little things that you usually wouldn't like the pretty and fragrant flowers and tiny bugs that are now everywhere. It seems fitting to have a Spring Flowers Birthday Party theme that takes advantage of the beauty of this season! Flowers are natural decorations and can be used in so many different ways and be made with all different types of materials. From flowers made of balloons for decoration or fun flower crowns that are very on
trend right now. The other great thing about a flower themed birthday is most of the decorations are easy to make yourself out of some of these simple and affordable supplies:
construction paper (multiple colors)
craft paper (white)
crayons ($1 store)
tissue paper (multiple colors)
plain colored headbands
balloons & ribbon (multiple colors)
rubber bands ($1 store)
glue/glue sticks ($1 store)
wooden pencils ($1 store)
The colors scheme should be bright and there should be many colors everywhere just like it is outside! The flower balloons are awesome because it really sets that spring vibe when you have these flowers floating all around. To make them, you start by blowing up 5 balloon of the same color, then 1 balloon of a different color, then tie all the ends of them together with a rubber band with the one different colored balloon in the middle. Then you tie on the string on as you would a normal balloon. You can use all different color combinations when making these and just have fun with it! As far as the table decorations, it is a cute idea to get plain white craft paper to put over the table, cut green construction paper into thin strips to look like grass and have some crayons or markers so the kids can draw their own flowers or bugs and make the table look like their own garden creation! Flower crowns are perfect for making everyone attending feel special and apart of the theme. What you do is you get a plain head band and a piece of tissue paper cut into a square, the size depends on how big or small you want your flowers to be. Then you wrap the tissue paper around the eraser end of the pencil and put a bit of glue on the tissue paper and hold it to the head band until it sticks. You can design these however you want and make each one unique for each child! The candy bags can be plain green bags and be stuffed multiple colored tissue paper that is left over from making your crowns. They will look like each child is taking home their own little bouquet of flowers! Simple and cute!